zaterdag 20 december 2008

Scanned images from archive

I will show more of my old images here which I'm scanning. An impression of my archive. All are 5 years old or older. I shot my first slide in 1965. Still 30.000 to go (I think)
Images from Switzerland, France (Heas chapel), wild roses, Rotterdam centre, sunset Markermeer Holland and Las Vegas wedding-chapel.

vrijdag 19 december 2008

nearly midwinter

2 days ago, a little mist, sheep, nearby, Marlies calling,... come and make some pictures you lazy fool! (I'm scanning all the old slides, thousands and scanning and scanning so I sometimes forget its happening outside...) So some sheepsheep images and some oldies.

zondag 14 december 2008


Last weeks not so inspiring weather, busy with reorganisation of my images, scanning the slides of the past (and mostly throw them away after scanning!) Last week al kids in home and today a bunch of tulips in a vase and a walk were I met some reed...